Monday, December 7, 2009

Eating Disorder Hope drawings for free books and calendars

Visit Eating Disorder Hope for a chance to win new books and calendars each month!  I was the lucky winner of last month's drawing for a copy of Goodbye Ed, Hello Me. 

This month's drawing is for Life Without Ed by Jenni Schaefer.
Jenni had been in an abusive relationship with Ed for far too long. Ed's name comes from the initials E.D. - as in eating disorder. He controlled Jenni's life, distorted her self-image, and tried to physically harm her throughout their long affair. Then Jenni met psychotherapist and author Thom Rutledge. He taught her how to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition. By thinking of her eating disorder as a unique personality separate from her own, Jenni was able to break up with Ed once and for all.

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