I'm currently working with the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders as a Community Resource Contact. My job is to bring packets of information about EDs to local schools, doctors offices and facilities, as well as to put sufferers and their families in contact with treatment providers. I also attend health fairs to help educate medical professionals about EDs and new developments in treating them.
It it really fulfulling - I know the information I'm providing is going to help other people sturggling with their EDs get started on a path to recovery.
ANAD provides a range of volunteer opportunities for people with a lot or a little time time to give. There is really something for everyone. All of the services ANAD provides are FREE, so volunteers help make the organization run smoothly.
For all my Greek readers: ANAD is one of the national philanthropies for Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority.
The ANAD Mission Statement:
The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that seeks to prevent alleviate the problems of eating disorders, especially including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and obesity.
ANAD strives to educate the general public and professionals in the healthcare field to be more aware of the illnesses relating to eating disorders and methods of treatment.
ANAD encourages and provides research to investigate the causes of eating disorders, methods of prevention, types of treatments and effectiveness, basic facts about those affected by eating disorders and to formulate relevant statistics relating to their illness.
ANAD seeks to act as a resource center, gathering and providing information about eating disorders, including sources and facilities for treatment.
ANAD encourages interested individuals and groups to join together in seeking a cure for the problem of eating disorders.
Finally, ANAD seeks to do any and all things necessary in order to fulfill the corporate purpose.
Volunteer Opportunities:
ANAD has ample opportunities for those volunteers who want to fight eating disorders.
Form or lead one of more than 260 ANAD support groups.
Become one of more than 600 ANAD resource people.
If you are located near Highland Park, IL volunteer at our home office.
If your college degree requires that you spend time as an intern for an organization such as ANAD, contact ANAD regarding Internships.
There are abundant opportunities to help with legislative/advocacy issues and for professionals who may wish to provide pro bono services on ANAD’s behalf.
Contact Information: http://www.anad.org/
Contact ANAD for help, support, or more information about eating disorders:
P.O. Box 7 Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: 847-831-3438
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